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Bachelor Pad Mag 36 Summer 2016


Product Information

Blaze, The Red Rose of Texas takes us on a summer picnic you'll never forget! Get cozy with Chicago cutie Ruby Spencer! Jolie Goodnight channels her inner tiki goddess! A day at the beach with Margaux Royale! "Swingbot!" by Edward Varga. A story of sexy cybernetics during the Cold War! "The Confessions of Guy Psycho" #3, as told to John King. Another installment of Catherine Tomasko's Savvy Swinger’s Guide: Hocus, Pocus, Autofocus! Will "The Thrill" Viharo hits the open road with his favorite motorcycle flicks! The Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en is all about room parties! Penny Starr Jr. explains why burlesque and politics are interlocked! Don Spiro visits speak-easies in the "Show Me" state.! "Pretty Girls Reading Bachelor Pad." "Tales from the Jetset." Gags from Scooter Harris from Studio Hadra, Becca Whitaker Surya O'Shea. A drink recipe from the mysterious mixologist Dr. Bamboo. And much, much more!

Product Code: BPSU2016


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