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Bachelor Pad Mag 37 Fall 2016


Product Information

On the cover and centerfold: The Siren of Sin City's Strip Melody Sweets! "The World’s Sexiest Couch Surfer" Ariel Helvetica! The devilish beauty know as Champagne Shuga Nova! Introducing MeduSirena's Photo Funnies featuring a trio of her world-famous Aquaticats! A recap of the 2016 Burlesque Hall of Fame Photo Safari! "Trial of the Love Witch"by Edward Varga. A story of Halloween dress-up and the sexy supernatural forces unleashed! "Eve'l Over Varedo" an erotic spy thriller from Scooter Harris! A mash-up of classic monster records by Paul Spencer! Will "The Thrill" Viharo gives lots of love for the big buy with bolts--Frankenstein! The Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en shows you how to host "Creature Cocktail Parties From Beneath The Sea!" Penny Starr Jr. reveals the Beauty Tips of Burlesquers! Don Spiro presents another sparkling Speakeasy Review! "Pretty Girls Reading Bachelor Pad." "Tales from the Jetset." Gags from Scooter Harris from Studio Hadra, Noah Snodgrass, Becca Whitaker & Surya O'Shea. A drink recipe from the mysterious mixologist Dr. Bamboo. And much, much more!

Product Code: BPS2016


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