You Better Believe It - White Trash Rockers 1955 - 1969- A lethal dose of screaming wild men, big city sleazeballs, hillbilly psychos and brain dead surfers WOW!!!
1.Leave Married Women Alone-Jimmy Cavallo 2.Prescription Rock & Roll-Rulie Garcia 3.Krushchev Twist-Melvin Gayle 4.Baby Sitter Boogie-Stan Gunn 5.You Done Messed Around And Made A Mean Woman Mad-Julia Bates 6.I'll Leave It Up To You-Jackie Dunham 7.Twistin With Bad Boy Bubbles-Shuggie Smith & Cajuns 8.Hillbilly Surfer-Whitey White 9.Tall Texas Woman-Les Paxton 10.The Coo-Wayne Cochran 11.Hootchie Coochie-Tommie Martin & XL's 12.Maharajah Og Megador-Blue Echoes 13.Cooler Weather (Is A Comin)-Eddie Weldon 14.Motorcycle Maniac-Bobby Warren 15.Bust Head Gin-Don Wade 16.Tidal Wave-Sonny Gee 17.Bombie-Johnny Sharp & Yellow Jackets 18.Club Delight-Jack Jolly 19.Hula Hula Lula-Beecher Hickman 20.Rockin' Out The Blues-Musical Linn Twins 21.De Castrow-Jaybee Wasden 22.I'm Not Good Looking-Walter Stone (The Maniac) 23.I'm A High Toned Papa-Jimmy Simpson 24.Willie Joe-Mystery Trio 25.Duck Call Boogie-Gene Price 26.I Stubbed My Toe-Bryan "Legs" Walter 27.You Better Believe It-Donnie B. Waugh
Product Code: Panic101