3/29: •∆• Rock Formations Fest •∆• in Wonder Valley, CA
•∆• Rock Formations Fest •∆• A micro music festival in the heart of California’s high desert, featuring music from the Left Coast.
The Palms in Wonder Valley, CA
All Ages • Bar with ID
$10 at the door • Free Overnight Camping
Bands start at 3:00 pm!
3:30 The Blank Tapes
4:15 Hot Beat Pussy Fiend (acoustic)
4:50 The Hick-Ups
5:40 Daydream Machine
6:30 The Sibleys
7:20 Bonfire Beach
8:10 Santoros
9:00 Jesika von Rabbit
10:55 DΛRKLΔNDS (ex-Spirit Vine)
Screening of Dust Up Film
(Shot at The Palms, scored by SPINDRIFT and Gram Rabbit)
DJ Lee Jospeh (of Dionysus Records and LuxuriaMusic)
Projections by Miss Molly during Spindrfit set
The Palms Restaurant is located in a remote area about 10 miles east of Twenty Nine Palms on Amboy Road. The Palms takes cash and credit cards, no cash back.
Admission for the event is cash only.
The closest cash machines or any type of services are in Twentynine Palms which is ten miles away.
The entrance for the event is through the front doors to the bar only. The side gates are for band load-in/out only.
Camping is allowed in the area of desert directly behind the bar on the south side of the stage. No camping in the parking lot please. This is unimproved camping, so please bring anything you require with you (food/water etc) so you don’t have to make the long haul to town at 3 in the morning. The Palms does open for brunch Sunday morning at 9am. Also no outside food will be allowed inside the venue/performance area, so keep it in a cooler in your vehicle please…you will be allowed to exit and reenter as necessary