“Cry Of Atlantis: The North Country Scene Volume II ’58-‘67” is a companion to 2004’s critically acclaimed “Heart So Cold: The North Country ‘60s Scene” on Bacchus Archives. This release features more cuts from the legendary Rondack Records out of Plattsburgh, New York as well as numerous tracks on the esteemed Melbourne label and a host of independent companies. THE VISTAS, from Burlington, Vermont, deliver British-inspired delirium in the guise of “She Turns Me On” and “Don’t Know” plus a handful of unreleased tracks, including their proposed third single – “No More Time” b/w “I Want You” – that has sat in the can until now! Vermont also antes up stone cold killers by the mythic MOTT’S MEN, THE KON-TAKS, THE CHOSEN FEW and FREDDIE & THE FREELOADERS. Plattsburgh offers unreleased tracks by THE THUNDERBOLTS and THE INMATES. Rondack songs by SHAWN & THE SUNNYS, THE TYROS, THE CORVETS and THE PERSUADERS (who are acknowledged on their classic title cut) make their first appearance on CD and LP as well. A true cross-section of a decade, “Cry Of Atlantis: The North Country Scene Volume II ’58-’67” presents rockabilly, instrumentals, garage stompers, ballads, frat rockers and nascent psychedelia. Compiled and annotated by Ugly Things’ Will Shade, the 18 tracks on this new collection pick up where volume one left off.
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Product Code: #BA11107-2