1/31: Winter Surf Fest ’15 in Huntington Beach

Winter Surf Fest 2015
Saturday, January 31
3:00pm – 10:00pm
No cover charge; however, donations strongly encouraged. Support the bands!!!
Surf Dogs Sports Bar
Huntington Beach,
California 92649
(714) 846-5700
For those who can’t wait till August, the organizers of the annual Surf Guitar 101 announce this year’s annual Winter Surf Fest !
Hypnotic IV: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hypnotic-IV/134479131091
Paul Johnson: www.pjmoto.com
John Blair: www.johnblair.us
The Orbitrons: www.facebook.com/theorbitrons
The Counselors: www.facebook.com/counselorsband
There will be vendors selling surf music, T-shirts and more.
Join us for an afternoon and early evening of reverb-drenched, Southern California sounds!