Art Cars – The Art of Bleeding – Fancy Space People
Doggie Diners – a Drunken Marionette?
These are just SOME of the MANY things in store on February 4
“You May Already be a Member”
“Into The Zone: The Story of the Cacophony Society” Film Preview
and Block Party
at The Yost Theater and Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, CA
February 4, 2012 – 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm – full schedule below – and their artists including ArtCar Fest co-founder and famed filmmaker Harrod Blank will be appearing at the event – here’s some of the artcars that will be on display: Click to see Amanda Jensen’s La Locura Cura. Click to see Scott Alan’s Spaced Bug. VainVan & CandyHome by Emily Duffy, photo also by Emily Duff, taken at the Enchanted Forest in Salem, OR. June, 2011, all rights reserved
John Law will be driving to Santa Ana with two buses full of people with the Doggie Diners in tow. These iconic monolithic whimsical objects are the SF Cacophony official mascots. They are one of John’s contributions to the world of Chaos, Cacophony and Dark Saturnalia. Click here to see a preview from the cross country documentary “Head Trip.” Click here to read an article about John’s Doggie Diners in the SF Gate
Bieno Svengali, a safe and sane family first performer (like legal fireworks) will perform his intoxicated marionette. Check out his court ordered letters from kids.
Created by Reverend Al of the Los Angeles Cacophony Society, The Art of Bleeding produces ego-destabilizing programs on safety and medical education out of an actual ambulance. This time the lovely latex clad nurses will be joined by Chuckles Klown and other cartoon characters in an demonstration of needle safety for both live and video presentation. Often staged from an actual ambulance, our performances utilize a perturbing mix of cartoonish costumes, puppets, vintage educational films, animation, and thinly veiled medical fetishism to create a sort of “paramedical funhouse.” Find out more at
On his way to Santa Ana, Charles Linvill parked his Asscar (that would be a car decorated with dog asses) overnight in front of the Motel 6 in Redding. The next morning, Asscar was completely covered in the motels finest linen due to numerous complaints. The maid delegation that met Charles at the car said they would pray for him. Charles reported improved gas mileage after their meeting.
The Fancy Space People
Can a ridiculously attired Los Angeles Glitter rock space cult, channeling cryptic messages from Fancy Space really save the Earth and usher in a new Golden Age? The Fancy Space People began when the unlikely duo of Germs drummer Don Bolles and quirky solo chanteuse No-Ra Keyes started receiving communications from invisible entities claiming to be from “Fancy Space,” asking them to present their leaders’ (presumably) benevolent messages to the people of Earth, secreted within neo-classic rock tunes. Told that they were chosen not so much for any musical talent they might possess, but more because they would fit into the elaborate space outfits, Don and Nora, neither of whom had much going on at the time, readily agreed. Their songs range from moody Mellotron space hymns to Glitter Rock stompers, Snow Pop to Psychedelic Prog Epics, 60s Girl Group to 70s Krautrock, and remind one of T Rex, Bowie, Abba, Sparks, and even Amon Duul II. Fancy Space People video

The Yost Theate

Admission: FREE
3:00 Cocktail reception (Yost Theater)