8/5: Ding Dong Devils – Tiki Oasis 15 Preview – LuxuriaMusic

Tune in Over Under Sideways Down on LuxuriaMusic.com 8/5/15, 3-5 PM PDT as host Lee Joseph welcomes Edwin a/k/a Rama Lama and Rosann a/k/a Puka von Pele of The Ding Dong Devils as special guests to talk about their recent album “Space Fezcapade” and the upcoming Tiki Oasis 15 “Yesterday’s Future Today”! Lee will also play tracks from Tiki Oasis 15 entertainers as well as preview some tunes from his upcoming Tiki Oasis DJ set.

You can purchase the Ding Dong Devils release from the band at Tiki Oasis and order the CD or order the LP from Dionysus Mail Order at the links!



Written by Dionysus Records