Dionysus Records welcomes Jimmy Vargas & The Black Dahlias!

Jimmy Vargas is a racketeer and crooner, reincarnated from the twilight side of Los Angeles’ sin alley circa 1947. Lilana is a sorceress and exotique from the Mission Dolores San Francisco by way of Buenos Aires Argentina.
Brought together in the Broadway dancehall on North Beach by the Black Pope of the Bay City on the eve of the Dias De Los Muertos 1992, Vargas and Lilana’s relationship forged over several lifetimes. Vargas venerates her as his Shadow Bride. She vaunts him as her swinging Galahad, Gnostic crooner, and carney wise-cracker. Liliana alone tempers and guides the melodies, visions and words that come from Vargas’ hands. Her sexotique DNA alone seeds Jimmy Vargas & the Black Dahlia’s canon.
Jimmy Vargas & The Black Dahlias have created seven albums; the first, El Torchtura, was released in 1994 and set the template with its’ melancholic jazz swing, torch and Lynchian soundtrack. Six more sassy, satanic, swing noir episodes have followed, tempered all by Liliana’s essence and mystic influence. Liliana’s iconic holy image is embossed on each of their records and DVDs, as a haunting talisman.
Dionysus Records now stocks several Jimmy Vargas releases in our mail-order cart and will soon be releasing Digital versions of each album. Keep your eyes open for a new Vargas & Dahlias CD/Digital release and a vinyl LP in 2013! Click this link to order all four releases in-stock:
Death Swings’ (Album I & II)
Lust Angeles (Album VII)
My Shadow Bride Ghosting
Requiem For My Shadow
Their new disc, Lust Angeles, is now unleashed just in time for the zeitgeist. It’s a vintage and futuristic soundtrack for the new metaphysical soul shift. Fleshed in satanic hosiery and divined in a Gnostic spirit, these are urban hymns for the unsaved sons and daughters of Eve and features nine more tracks of lupercalian blues, scorching mambo and torch that one would imagine blasting out of a Hollywood pleasure house jukebox of 1948.