5/13: Jerico Woggon blacklight installation at the Neon Museum DTLA

On Thursday, May 13, in conjunction with Downtown Art Walk, “California Surf, ” a site-specific art installation by black light artist Jerico Woggon will go on display at the Museum of Neon Art – Downtown Los Angeles.

Born and raised at the beach in Summerland, California, surfing was a childhood activity that became Jerico’s passion into adulthood.  Currently living in Downtown LA, Jerico still derives inspiration from images related to nature, the beach, and surfing which is a major influence in his black light art.  The surfing theme will continue inside in the lobby gallery with neon works by Larry Manson, Richard Ankrom and Randy Noborikawa.

Following the MONA opening and Downtown Artwalk, Join Jerico and friends for Jerico’s Art Bar, a Thursday Night Mellow Mixer Downtown LA at Boyd Street Bar and Grill for  Jerico’s Art Bar:  410 Boyd St. LA CA 90013

Written by Dionysus Records